Aggregate Line
L&S Granite Quarry & Red Rock Quarry

Road Base
At our quarries, we produce MnDOT spec aggregates that enhance compaction and drainage to promote superior road bases from heavy-use interstates to driveways. Our road base aggregates include:
3/4" with Fines (Class 2)
1" with Fines (Class 5 or 6)
1 1/2" with Fines (DSB)
2" with Fines (Class 5Q)
3/4" x #4 - (ASTM 67 Base)
Asphalt & Concrete Paving
Our Class A Granite and Quartzite aggregates meet quality and durability requirements to meet MNDOT specifications for Asphalt and Concrete Paving. Products that meet spec for paving aggregates include:
Concrete Aggregates
3/4" x #4 (CA67)
1 1/2" x 3/4" (ASTM 467)
Asphalt Aggregates
1/2" x #4 (CA70)
3/4" x #4 (CA67)
3/4" x 1/2"
Washed Mansand
Unwashed Mansand
3/4" with Fines
1/2" with Fines
Ballast & Bedding
Whether it is for railroads, box culverts, or bridges, we have aggregates that help maintain drainage, structural integrity of a slope, and create a superior stable base. Our ballast & bedding aggregates include:
2 1/2" Ballast (AREMA 4A)
2" Ballast (AREMA 4)
1 1/2" Ballast (Coarse Agg. Bedding)
3/4" x #4 (Coarse Filter Agg.)
3/4" x 1/2"
Washed Mansand (Fine Filter Agg.)
Crusher Run
Class 2-5 Rip Raps
Natural Sand & Gravel

Natural Sands
In our sand and gravel pits, we produce various types of dry and washed sands. See below for all the sands we offer!
Pit Run
BA Sand (5/16")
#4 Washed Sand
Concrete Sand
Pro Pure Bunker Sand
Crusher Dust
Natural Gravels
We produce road base gravels to meet MNDOT specifications. Our gravel products have been know to be superior in the industry due to its compatibility while remaining drainable. We offer the following gravel specs:
Class 5 Base
Class 1 Shouldering
Class 5Q Base
Recycled Asphalt Base
Recycled Concrete Base
Natural Rock & Dirt
Like our quarries, we also produce various sizes of rocks that can be used for landscaping, backfill, bedding aggregates, rip rap, and more! We also have black dirt and clay available in a variety of our pits. See below for our natural rock selection.
Pea Rock
3/4" Clean
1/2" Clean
Decorative 1 1/2" Washed Rock
2" Dirty Rock
2" to 6" Oversize Rock
Class 1 through 5 Rip Raps
Black Dirt